Friday, April 23

Let's celebrate!

Truly, I can't believe that this is happening so fast! Just 2 month ago I created this Book Blog together with my friends and now we celebrate our 100th Follower!

I mean seriously, this is huge! I never expected that our blog will attract so many readers in such a short amount of time! 2 month, go figure! Even more incredible is that we got 30 new Followers over one fucking night!?!?! It took nearly a year until we reached here 140 Follower, but this might be due to the fact that my lameness is hidden at the bookworms by the incredible wonderful people I run this blog with!

Ok, and yes I get that this enormous over night increase is simply due to this fantastic giveaway we are holding at this very moment. If you know me a bit, then you know that I'm a big sucker for giveaways, and I'm not talking about myself winning something (well yes, this is cool too!) but I love to give away stuff, I love to share and I love making people HapPy.

Take Christmas, I'm not just like a small kid when it comes to open my presents, but I also (if not more) love watching other people open their packages they get from me. I just love that, it makes me happy when I can make other people happy.

Since we saw that we soon reach our 100th Follower at the Bookworms, we started collecting stuff to give away and I searched on etsy like forever for lovely stuff to giveaway.

I adore etsy, looking at all those wonderful creative people who sell the prettiest things! I could spend all my money there... (I guess hubs is glad that I don't...).


You can all join the fun of our giveaway and we have 6 awesome prizes plus a Custom Blog Layout (from myself, just saying...). Among books, we also have sweet shiny sparkling things and lovely girly stuff, so I can proudly say that this giveaway is aweseomness!

So click the Button and join the Fun!
(you can see all our prices as thumbnails in the button!)

BB giveaway

I have to give a special shout-out to pushy, because she's always as excited about the Bookworms as I am and I truly TuLY LoVe her , like a lot!! Love you girl, and I can't wait to see you in June!

Sunday, April 11

Me is on vacations, Shout outs and Ramblings..

Imagine me now with sunglasses, a delicious cup of coffee and my cigarettes sitting outside in the sun with my beloved MacBook. That's exactly me right now while writing this.


Unfortunately this is only one week but I truly need this. But being in vacations doesn't mean I can't be online, in fact I would be so miserable without internet connection. I know other people switch off everything when being away from home, but I can't - I need this.

Anyway, I wanted to say Hi to you and shout out a few things.

First: As you may or may not have noticed I have a new badge on my sidebar. Yes I mean this one:


When you are a mobile lover just like me, meaning reading on your iPhone whenever you can (or other similar devices), then this button is just awesome for you. Because... *dramatic pause* it let's you easily read blogs on your mobile phone. Awesomeness!!!! Blogs, normally are not formatted to read mobile which is a pity if you ask me. Wordpress is much better for this, when reading a Wordpress blog it's immediately formatted also as a mobile version that makes is super easy to read posts. Blogger hasn't such a thing.

But! *again dramatic pause* we have TwilightCupcake who is also a sucker for mobile devices and figured out how to transform a Blogger Blog into a Mobile-Blogger blog.

Awesome hu?? Apart from that she also set up everything for me!!! OOoooooOOo all I had to do was a Badge for my blog and that's it! Honestly, she did that already two weeks ago and I'm such a bad friend that I never managed to write this freaking post here. I suck! Yes I do, because she did all the work ...

Ohhh annnnndddd she is such a super sweet person and I'm so happy I met her and I'm hoping that she's not too mad that it took me forever for this post. (read this girl? don't be mad, pleeeassse not! I'm super thankful you did all this for me!)

Ok, her dream is that manymany TwiBlogs will follow her example and set up a Mobile Blog so that we all can read the blogs on our iPhone while sitting in the train or waiting in a queue or sitting at the airport, or *cough* in class or ... you get the point!

Ok so Blogger people out there, visit Twilight Cupcake at
  • her TwiBlog, why? Because she's sweetness and awesome. The End!
  • at the Twi-Mobile Hombase, there you find all the information you need to set up a Mobile Blog for your Blogger Blog. She has a list of Blog's which have joined already and aFAQ site and everything. And you can always ask her!
Second topic I wanted to talk about (that goes along with the first topic... )

I told you already that I run this Bookblog with seven of my friends? The Bewitched Bookwormes? Yes? Ok , good! Because sweet TwilightCupcake also set up a mobile Blog for the Bookworms! You can find it on the left sidebar!


This Blog really won my heart.. *sniffles* Sometimes , spontaneous ideas are the best! Just like the Bookworms blog. Beginning of the year I felt this urge to talk more about the books I'm reading and asked my friends (who are crazy about books as much as I am) if they want to join my little project... The rest is history.

I have never ever imagined that this blog will get so many readers so fast. We are at 94 at this moment which warms my heart.

Oh and do you remember end of last year what I did when my lovely Vanquish baby here reached Follower number 100?? Yes I did a huge giveaway to celebrate this... That's all I'm saying now... *winks* *smiles* *winks again* (ok stop it, the people get it.. *rolls eyes*)

You...uhm... can join us.. if you want.. that ..would be.. yes.. LOVELY.. and such and I would be .. thankful and ... such.. Uhmm .. yes.. you can click below to .... join us?

Bewitched Bookworms

Third: I wanted to remind you of my collection of Twilight stories. Noo! I'm not talking about FanFiction, I'm talking about Your very own Twilight Story!!
I will feature every week some TwiStories from you! It is soo much fun reading your stories and thinking back about how it all begun and how we found each other in the end... Cheeesy happily ever after...

So my first round was posted last Saturday and with cuties, fragiles and FireCrotch's story.

Right now, I have some emails with stories for the next post, which will be posted Next Saturday. So this will be a Saturday feature on my blog, only interrupted by vacations (like right now), earthquakes (not very likely in Germany), things-the-author-of-this-blog-cannot-foresee-at-the-moment or the simply lack of stories.
The last point you, my dear readers - followers -lurkers can prevent by simply mailing me your Story!!

Gosh, my battery is running low so I have to get to the end.... it's about time, otherwise I would go on rambling and bore you to death...

With that I close now this very long rambling post, get my Kindle lay back in the sun and read!

Saturday, April 3

Your Twilight story.. Part I

First of all let me thank you for the response. I know we all love to look back once in a while to get lost in the early days when we get to know Bella and Edward and the Cullens and this whole world that enchanted and changed us.

I got some wonderful emails about all your TwiStories and I'm going to present them all after each other.

Today I will present three stories of my friends. They are all different, yet in the end the same. Lean back, read them and get lost....

My Twilight story by
Fire Crotch
from We Bite Pretty Hard:

Every Sunday while doing my grocery shopping at my local WalMart I pass by the book section and peruse the best sellers. I started seeing these simple black book covers a couple of years ago and was intrigued, but for some reason I never dared to pick one up. Something told me that it just wasn’t right. Hindsight is 20/20. Anyway, last fall I noticed my niece’s room plastered with pictures of the aforementioned “actor who had the crazy unwashed nast hair.”

Yes, I am not proud of myself, but I ridiculed the suddenly emo pre-teen. Of course, I nevertotally had anything Christian Slater taped on my walls at her age. I started wondering about the appropriateness of these books for my niece. Certainly these were too adult for her...I was concerned for her soul. Around the same time, I decided that I should get aKindle. The reason I told everyone I wanted to get one was because I was traveling all the time and carrying around 2-3 books sucked; I really wanted the Kindle so I could read books that I was too embarrassed to read with the cover showing. I had an unfortunate experience a couple of years ago on a plane while reading Jennifer Weiner’s book Good In Bed (great read btw). Nuff said. Anyway, I thought, now is my time to read this Twilight book, to make sure it’s age appropriate for my niece of course. So I saved my Christmas money and my birthday money and finally got a Kindle. It arrived on my doorstep the next day, I shipped it overnight of course. I unwrapped it, caressed it, and then had to charge it before its first use. Bah, must have instant gratification! Of course, you all know what happened next. Waiting with baited breath, I downloaded my first e-book…Why We Suck…hehe seriously, by Denis Leary, it was hilarious. Still a little wary, I waited to download my secret yearning…it seemed so wrong. But I had to do it…for my niece. And then I threw caution to the wind and downloaded Twilight. I read all of the books and Midnight Sun in a week. It was crazy. You all know how it takes over your life. I barely slept. I read the books on my iPhone during meetings. (Yeah, I'm gadgety okay?) Somehow I felt like I had cheated my book reading shame. I even admitted to my niece that I was reading the books (which she totally almost ruined for me!). I was joyful…giddy even just thinking about the world of questionable reading material that was now open to me. And then one night on a crowded plane it happened…I heard a guy behind me whisper, “hey, isn’t that a Kindle?” OMG, people were going to want to see it. What was I going to do? Panic stricken, my first thought was to jam it back in my bag and hide it. Thankfully, I was saved by the bell (the plane began its descent), and I had to turn it off and put it away.

(......) So now my secret is out…the girl blushing and fanning herself while sitting next to you on the airplane reading her Kindle definitely is not reading Jane Eyre.

Ahh Fire, first of all I didn't know you had a Kindle that long. Second: Well yes it makes sense that you only read Twilight for the sake of your nice. How veryvery considered of you! One sentence really apparently works for all of us: "You all know how it takes over your life"
*heavy sigh* yes!! It does, it's horrible at first, since you can't stop thinking about Sparkly Vamps and Edward..OhMyEdward... When I read your post it reminds me also how freaking funny you are and how I adore reading your blog. Please!! come back to blogging, do I need to kick your ass for it? Please don't let me kick you but come.please.back.! Seriously, I mean it!
Links to Fire:

My Twilight
story by
fragile little human:

When Mark Twain said that, he couldn’t have know that, many years later, grown women would be afraid to tell people how much they’ve been sucked in by a series of YA books about sparkly vampires. If so, maybe Tom Sawyer would have been a vamp, Huckleberry Finn a wolf, and Becky Thatcher the clumsy human torn between them. Then again, probably not.

Mark Twain, wondering how he missed the vamp trend

Mark Twain, wondering how he missed the vamp trend

I never had any intention of reading the Twilight series. The only vampire I ever liked was Mick St. John on Moonlight, and that had nothing to do with his being a vampire ifyouknowwhatimean. My husband likes watching those vampires-are-ugly-and-kill-with-gratuitous-violence movies, of which I’m not a fan at all. And True Blood? It’s like watching Dark Shadows meets Steel Magnolias meets porn. Worst. Accents. Ever.

Alex OLoughlin, however, has a yummy fake accent
Alex O'Loughlin, however, has a yummy fake accent

My husband, temporarily possessed by Satan, rented Twilight from the local video store several weeks ago. My question to him: “Isn’t that a kid movie? And what’s this vampire crap?” I watched with him, fully expecting to fall asleep after a few minutes.

Then those damn Cullens walked into the cafeteria. That was all she wrote.

When I asked my SIL if she’d seen the movie, she said, “Yeah, but the book is SO much better.” Great, now I had to read the book, too. And she was right. As much as I loved the movie (yeah, so sue me), I LOVED the book. I would go to work glassy eyed the next morning, and I’m sure my coworkers thought I was on crack. I learned quickly that I needed to ration the Twilight saga reading to 4 chapters a night, no matter how much it drove me nuts.

I still haven’t read all the books, because, as an exercise in self-control, I’m taking a break in between each book. Of course, I’ve learned to fill all that time by readingTwilight blogs, so I might as well be reading the books. My husband thinks I’ve lost my mind when I sit and laugh at Twitarded’s Pocket Edward or the posts and comments at Random Acts of Rob or pretty much everything posted at Twilight Widowers Anonymous. We’ve been together almost 8 years now; he should know I’ve lost my mind.

Since he won’t read the books so I can talk to him about them and my friends are still shaking their heads at me, I started this blog. Yeah, I know, like we needed one more grown woman talking about Twilight. Deal.

*giggles* you know what I find super funny? It was in the end your husband who brought you to Twilight. You have to ask him if he ever regrets the day when he took the Twilight DVD home. So you fell first in love with the movie, I think not many started first with the movie! I so love the scene when the Cullens come into the cafeteria I always sit up in excitement when I see this scene or hear the music. It somehow never gets old! I am really in love with the movie, very much the same like with the book. However, I'm glad you started this blog, otherwise we probably wouldn't have met!

Links to fragile:

My Twilight story
from SSTB:

So, here is my Twi-story. It's simple, but real:

I will never forget that fate filled day when I picked up a copy of Twilight. It all started pretty innocently. It will be a year ago this August (08). I was literally living under a rock, having just had my fourth child. Surrounded by kids, diapers, dishes & countless other responsible I had reached the end of the proverbial rope. I knew where I could find instant relief, a compelling story. So I sent out a plead to all my friends, asking for someone to recommend a book. Immediately I got a reply which read as follows : If you haven't read Twilight then you MUST! I will even lend you the books if you'd like.

Trusting my friend's taste, I went out that afternoon to Barnes & Noble. I'm the kind of girl who doesn't like to wait, so I decided to pick up New Moon, as well. The next day, having finished Twilight & at that point being halfway through New Moon, I rushed to Target and bought Eclipse. Three days later I had finished all four books (I made myself wait a whole day between finishing Eclipse and buying Breaking Dawn due to the travesty that was our house). When I had completed all four and read Midnight Sun, I immediately started rereading Twilight.

Thus the cycle continued for weeks on end. I poured over the books, dissecting each part. At times, I would get so emotional about the story, I would literally throw the books across the room & storm out (poor Eclipse). At first my husband thought something was terribly wrong, however a month later he just believed I was insane. Especially after I stormed into our office and randomly yelled at him,"STUPID BELLA NEEDS TO STOP BEING A MORON! FREAKING MORON!! WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT TO EDWARD! EDWARD!!!" Then I'd rushed out of the room, back to the book where it laid on the floor to throw myself on the couch and start reading again.

I fell in love with not only the characters but with Meyer herself. I loved the story. The essence of it all. NO, I do not believe she is the greatest writter EVER, but I do believe she is a pretty damn good writer. And honestly, the woman created Mr. Cullen thus introduced Mr. Pattinson into my life, how could I not forever adore her?

All of that led me to pursuing the webernet in search of news, hell anything to keep the story going. Blogs, fan sites, fanfic, message boards.... I started sharing with my friends. Encouraging them to read the books while making sure to warn them their lives would NEVER be the same again. And this doesn't even touch the movie and the five times I saw it. Yep FIVE TIMES!

So there it is. A simple version of my Twi-story.

Well it has to be said, that cutie brought a lot of us together, I'm so thankful of this. When I read your story, cutie it totally reminds me of how we all got here. For the love of a book. Books we read not only once but many times in a row. You read it five times in a row? Well yes, I did the same!! I couldn't put them back, when finished one I started over with the next. "..warn them their live will never be the same again" This is so true, but I had no idea in what I was getting into, but even if I had know it I would have done the same!! When I read your post, I also totally enjoyed the comments, again it reminds me how it all begun - our friendship the community. Lovely comments there, from lovely people. :)

Links to cutie:

I loved reading all of the stories and although I know them all, read them before it's always lovely to look back. Apart from our immediate addiction we all didn't want to read them in the first place. Why? I guess because it was supposed to be a story for teen? Those years are over for the most of us, I mean I'm 31 and my girls featured today are about the same age, more or less. Teen girls all over the world seemed addicted to those books, so did we really want to read a cheesy love story. The answer in the end is easy: Yes, YES and Y E S!!!

So let me again ask you:
How is your Twistory, how did it all started?
Want to be featured here and
tell your story?
Write me!!

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