You know why I love Twilight so much? It's because the love story is so unbelievable beautiful. The Story let's you escape reality and dive into a dream world. *big sigh* Most of you know how incredible emotional I am and I cry at the tiniest hind of sweetness or tragic. Seriously, if I see something unbelievable sweet, my eyes start to water! Like, I cry every time I hear Bellas speech at the end of Eclipse! I do! Many things can trigger my tears to water and I love to read books that can do that, and I love movies that do that - a lot!
Anyhoodle,I was sick last week, nothing big just a cold that made me stay in bed or cuddle on the couch. I had this urgent longing for romance, cheesy heartbreaking romance. I could have watched Twilight again, but I did a Twilight session the week before and I think I know all three movies right now by heart, so I needed something where I don't know any line already. So I searched my Video on Demand and found exactly what I needed, and I found the epitome of cheese!

I started with - do you all sit? - "High School Musical 3"!!! Yes, shoot me now and yes you are very welcome to laugh! But it was fun, and I'm open and honest enough to admit that I liked it! It was definitely cheesy but so sweet! And, you can say whatever you want but Zac Effron is hot. There, I said it. He's young (way too young) but I cannot deny that he looks cute, period!
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Aren't the cute? |

After I was already in the mood, I watched "The Prince and Me", basically a typical story about a prince that fals in love with a normal girl! Sweetness! Besides, the Prince was called Edward - Thank you very much!

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gimme a good kiss! |
Taken together it was a day curled up on my couch with tons of hot coffee and tea and full of love and romance. It was a perfect day to escape reality and daydreaming and I hated it when the day was over and I ad to face reality again. But, once in a while I need that. I need heartbreak and tears and the perfect happily ever after and all of those movies above had exactly that. Truth, none of them are epic movies but all of them were sweet and lovely, and I have no shame to admit this!
This was basically like reading the whole day, which I love to do as well. But, watching a movie is like reading a book fast forward. Nothing can compete with a good book, truly not but once in a while seeing love on a screen is just as sweet as reading about it. Well, and some of the guys in those movies above a eye-candys which didn't hurt at all.
So girlies, you can be honest here - we are among ourselves ...
do you also love a cheesy movie
are such movies way too cheesy
do you find such movies just and simply bad ?
do you find such movies just and simply bad ?
And, do you have good recommendations for me for my next cheesy movie session?
I'm open, to suggestions!
Oh and yes, you can also tell me how bad my movie taste it!
I can take it! :)
AHfromGoodreads · 758 weeks ago
DannyBookworm 92p · 758 weeks ago
Smitten · 758 weeks ago
Some of my fave chickflicks (some much cheesier than others): Before Sunset, Before Sunrise, Ever After, Four Weddings and a Funeral, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, the Proposal, Pretty in Pink, the Holiday, Sense & Sensibility... and I'm sure there are more that i just can't think of.
DannyBookworm 92p · 758 weeks ago
Love your pile of movies, I think I saw the all and I perfectly agree about their awesomeness!
And, I had to laugh like hell about your disgust of Zac Efron... *still giggeling*
Susie From AnF · 758 weeks ago
Tess · 758 weeks ago
Now, I need a good cheesy girl movie fix! I think I'll rent Last Song tonight! =)
Hope you have a great Friday!!♥
My recent post IRWTSMN - Goals
onepushyfox 74p · 756 weeks ago
Glad you're feeling better, babe!!!!
Juju · 754 weeks ago
Small_Review 58p · 747 weeks ago
Zac Effron is cute, but I wish he'd get a different hair cut. I thought he looked ten times better in Hairspray with his hair slicked back like that. You picked one of my favorite chick flicks there with A Cinderella Story.
Hm, my other favorites?
Ten Things I Hate About You
Ever After (I always cry in the end!)
Confessions of a Shopaholic
She's All That
A Walk to Remember (more crying!)
The Princess Diaries
Never Been Kissed
A Knight's Tale
Just Passing Through · 736 weeks ago
lianemarkus 96p · 679 weeks ago
My recent post סולידריות