then... they team up and make a BookBlog!
A few weeks ago (I just finished Fallen I think), I had this desperate wish to talk about this book and thought how cool it would be to have a Book Blog. But, I have my wonderful Vanquish blog here (how do I love you *sniffles*) and I have my Blog Design Site so there is no time for one more blog. I wouldn't be able to run it alone.
But, I have friends! Friends who read as much as I do and who love books just like me and I just asked them why not do it together?! Guess what? They agree instantly! Who wonderful is that?
Here are the lovely Ladies who will run this Blog with me:
This was the easy part, then we had to think about a name... OoooooOoO this was a bit more challenging but finally we agreed on
So if you love books like we do and like talking about it then please meet us at the Bookworms Home and spread the word. Oh and we have one more goodie, we have a Forum where we can discuss books freely spoilery and funny.
I also wrote the first Bookreview about The Dark Divine by Bree Despain
So it would be wonderful if some of you would find your way over to our blog and share with us the Love for books. And it would be even more wonderful if you would Grab Our Button and Link back to us: